African Safari Photos has images relating to one my African Safaris in Tanzania Africa. In the future it may eventually have additional African safari Images from other African safari travelers.
If I ever do have safari images from companies that offer African Safaris the personal aspect of my pictures will no longer be the main focus of the site and I will then promote the site to increase the traffic.
Any banners promoting domain names and partnerships are my personal domains, of which I have many. Some are for sale and a few others I am looking for a partner who will supply ideas, content, and promote the site on the social sites like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Linkedin.
* I am anticipating I may have a few links on this site that may be affiliate links, which means I might get paid if you buy something from those sites where the links go. In those cases, the prices you pay are the same as what anyone else pays.
Admin, Charles Harmon
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